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How to Get More Claims Paid: Creating a Foolproof Protocol

How to Get More Claims Paid: Creating a Foolproof Protocol

August 05, 20245 min read

If you’re here, you’ve likely faced the hassle of dental insurance claims. We’ve all been through it—submitting those forms and documentation, only to get hit with that infuriating “Denied” stamp. It’s so frustrating, it could make you want to scream (or even pull out a tooth in exasperation)!

But fear not! We’re here to help you create a foolproof protocol that ensures you gather all the required info upfront, making those claim rejections a thing of the past. Let’s dive in!

The Holy Grail of Claims: Gathering Info Upfront

First things first, let’s talk about why gathering all necessary info right from the get-go is so crucial. Think of it like baking a cake. You wouldn’t start mixing ingredients without making sure you have everything you need, right? The same goes for insurance claims. Missing just one piece of information can cause your claim to crumble.

Step 1: Create Auto Notes

Auto notes are your best friend in the quest for clean claims. These handy templates ensure you capture all the essential details every single time. Here’s how to set them up:

  • Standardize Your Notes: Create a set of auto notes for different types of procedures. This way, whether it’s a routine cleaning or a complex root canal, you’re covered.

  • Include Key Info: Make sure your auto notes capture patient details, procedure specifics, and any necessary narratives. Trust me, your future self will thank you.

Pro Tip: Review and update your auto notes regularly. Insurance requirements can change, and keeping your notes up-to-date is essential.

Step 2: Snap Those Pics

A picture is worth a thousand words, especially when it comes to dental claims. Radiographs, intraoral images, and photos of diagnostic models can be the evidence that pushes your claim over the finish line.

  • Standard Imaging Protocol: Establish a standard imaging protocol for common procedures. This could mean always taking a pre-op and post-op photo for fillings, or a series of radiographs for extractions.

  • Label and Store: Properly label and store these images in your patient management system. Make them easily accessible for when you’re ready to submit that claim.

Pro Tip: High-quality images can make a world of difference. Invest in good imaging equipment and train your team to use it effectively.

Step 3: Double-Check Insurance Details

It might sound basic, but you’d be surprised how often claims get denied due to incorrect insurance information. Before you submit, double-check the patient’s insurance details.

  • Verify Coverage: At every appointment, verify the patient’s coverage and ensure their insurance information is current.

  • Accurate Entry in Open Dental: Make sure all insurance information is entered accurately and completely in Open Dental. This includes:

    • Policy Numbers: Ensure the insurance policy number is correct and matches the patient’s insurance card.

    • Group Numbers: Enter the group number if applicable, as this can affect coverage details.

    • Insurance Company Details: Ensure the insurance company’s name, address, and contact information are correct.

    • Patient Information: Double-check the spelling of the patient’s name and their date of birth. Mismatches can lead to claim denials.

    • Subscriber Information: If the patient is not the primary subscriber, ensure the subscriber’s information is entered accurately, including their relationship to the patient.

    • Plan Type and Benefits: Accurately enter the type of plan (PPO, HMO, etc.) and specific benefits. This includes:

      • Coverage Percentages: For different types of procedures (preventive, basic, major), enter the correct coverage percentages.

      • Deductibles and Maximums: Input the annual deductible and maximum benefits accurately.

      • Frequency Limitations: Enter any limitations on the frequency of certain procedures (e.g., cleanings every 6 months).

      • Waiting Periods: Note any waiting periods for specific treatments or services.

  • Update Regularly: Update insurance details whenever there are changes or new information. This will help prevent errors and ensure that claims are processed smoothly.

Pro Tip: Have a standard operating procedure (SOP) for entering and updating insurance information. Train your team on this SOP and conduct regular audits to ensure compliance. Consistency is key to avoiding costly errors and delays.

Step 4: Train Your Team

Your team is the backbone of your practice, and their expertise is crucial for smooth insurance processing. Invest in regular training to keep everyone on the same page.

  • Workshops and Webinars: Schedule regular training sessions on the latest in dental billing and coding. There’s always something new to learn!

  • Role-Playing: Practice common scenarios. This not only helps your team get comfortable with the process but also prepares them for tricky situations.

Pro Tip: Make training fun! Add a little friendly competition with quizzes and rewards. It keeps things interesting and reinforces learning.

Step 5: Review and Refine

Creating a protocol is not a one-and-done deal. Regularly review your process and refine it as needed.

  • Track Denials: Keep track of claim denials and identify patterns. This can help you pinpoint areas that need improvement.

  • Feedback Loop: Encourage feedback from your team. They’re on the front lines and can offer valuable insights into what’s working and what’s not.

Pro Tip: Celebrate your wins! When you see an improvement in your claim acceptance rate, acknowledge the hard work of your team. It keeps morale high and reinforces the importance of the process.

Final Thoughts

Getting more claims paid isn’t about luck—it’s about having a rock-solid protocol in place. By gathering all the required information upfront, you can drastically reduce the chances of denials and ensure a smoother process for everyone involved.

Remember, a little preparation goes a long way. So set up those auto notes, snap those pics, double-check those details, train your team, and keep refining your process. You’ve got this!

dental claimstrainingauto notesDental insurance billing
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