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Creating Raving Fans for Your Dental Practice: The Power of the Patient Experience Note

Creating Raving Fans for Your Dental Practice: The Power of the Patient Experience Note

June 03, 20243 min read

Are you ready to create raving fans for your dental practice? Today, we're diving into the power of the Patient Experience Note in Open Dental and how it can transform your patient interactions. Let's make your patients feel truly special and keep them coming back with smiles on their faces!

The Secret to Creating Raving Fans

The Secret to Creating Raving Fans

Does anybody know who this is? (Hint: She's a superstar with an army of dedicated fans.) Yes, it's Taylor Swift! She has her Swifties, and it's not just because she's the best artist ever—though we Swifties might think so. It's because she provides a consistent, personalized experience that resonates with her fans over time. Imagine your dental practice having an army of dedicated fans like Taylor Swift. It’s possible, and it starts with enhancing your patient experience.

Introducing the Patient Experience Note

One of the best tools to personalize patient interactions in Open Dental is the Patient Experience Note. This feature allows you to document personal preferences and details about each patient, making every visit special and memorable. Here's how to implement it effectively:

1. Creating A Quick Paste Note Template

Open Dental Quick Paste Notes are the perfect tool for creating note templates outside of the procedure notes. Make a template that notes important details for improving your patient experience. Once you have a template you like, use the shortcut to easily paste this note in the white box below your tooth chart.

Open Dental Quick Paste Notes

2. Gather Personal Preferences

During patient interactions, take notes on their preferences. Ask about their favorite music, TV shows, or even essential oils they like. Pro tip: essential oils on the bib is an easy way to bring a spa like experience to your office. If your ops have self-controlled music or TVs, you can have their favorites ready when they arrive. This small gesture can make a big difference in their comfort and satisfaction.

Example: "Ms. Jones loves HGTV, lavender essential oil, and mint prophy paste. Let’s make sure her TV is set to HGTV and her bib is scented with lavender."

3. Start with the Morning Huddle

The morning huddle is your team's opportunity to set the tone for the day. Use this time not only to review schedules and tasks but also to discuss how to make each patient's visit exceptional. For instance, if you know Ms. Jones is coming in and she tends to make your day challenging, brainstorm one thing each team member can do to make her smile. Turn it into a fun challenge and offer a small prize for the best effort!

4. Make It Personal

Besides preferences, note any significant personal details. Did they mention their daughter is attending UW Madison to become an English teacher? Or that they vacation in Jamaica every spring? Bring these up in conversation to show you remember and care about their lives beyond dental health.

Example: "How was your trip to Jamaica, Ms. Jones? We remembered you were looking forward to it!"

Building Deeper Connections

By focusing on these personal touches, you make each patient feel valued and understood. This builds trust and loyalty, turning them into raving fans who will enthusiastically recommend your practice to others. Remember, it’s the little things that often make the biggest impact.

Final Thoughts

Creating an army of raving fans for your dental practice is all about the experience you provide. Use the Patient Experience Note in Open Dental to document and act on personal preferences, making every visit unique and enjoyable. By doing so, you'll not only enhance patient satisfaction but also foster a loyal patient base that feels truly cared for.

So, go ahead and implement these tips in your practice. Watch as your patients become your biggest advocates, singing your praises just like Swifties do for Taylor Swift!

Until next time, keep smiling and happy charting! 😁

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